Robert Jon & the Wreck @ la Maroquinerie, Paris - February 5th, 2023

Robert Jon & the Wreck are back in Paris, a mere 16 months after their last show in the French capital, and once again they brought the house down with their brand of funky, sun-drenched Californian classic rock with Southern accents.

A small but noticeable difference since their last visit here is that their keyboard player Steve Maggiora has moved on to join Toto, but thankfully his replacement is more than capable of providing the same soulful binding agent to the material.

They just released a new single a few days ago which they played early on in the set and which fit in perfectly with the older songs. The audience was rabid throughout the whole show, dancing, screaming and going nuts after every solo by virtuoso guitarist Henry James.

Fantastic songs performed by a kick ass band, a lesson in rock n' roll.