Therapy? @ la Boule Noire, Paris - May 4th, 2022

I don't know if you guys have heard, but apparently there's been a worldwide pandemic that effectively shut down entire countries, killed millions of people and decimated businesses the world over. I guess this explains why Therapy? are celebrating their 30th anniversary as a band in their 34th year. It's a valid excuse.

The trio from Northern Ireland broke extremely big in the early to mid-nineties with a string of unfuckwithable pop/punk/metal hits, and if the musical climate change has prevented them from repeating that feat in the (not so) new millenium, they haven't stopped releasing killer records and touring the world.

Given that this is a celebratory tour, the setlist spans their entire career and delivers all the classics while also catering to the rabid fan with deep cuts.

Like the Buzzcocks on their early singles, Therapy? have found the perfect balance between abrasive noise and powerful, catchy melodies. While this is a potent mix on record, it must be experienced live, where the band truly shines. After nearly ninety minutes of an intense, pedal-to-the-metal rock n'roll deflagration, the audience and the band are left sweaty, exhausted, some of us slightly bruised even, and wanting more.