Friday's Playlist: Songs with Sequels

It's summertime and if that damn virus hadn't screwed up everyone's plans we'd be on the beach somewhere in California soaking up the sun and a few Margaritas. It would also be blockbuster season and no doubt people would be rushing to the movie theaters to catch Star Wars Episode 31, Avengers: Overcrowded Intergalactic Cosmic Battle or the latest James Bond film Die Like Death.

In that spirit, we're presenting a playlist made up of songs that have sequels. This list is in no way exhaustive and adheres to a few rules: the songs have to be from the same artist (which rules out "answer songs") and have to have originally been released on different albums (which conveniently rules out concept records).

I realise I have broken that rule with the inclusion of King Crimson's Larks Tongue in Aspic parts one and two, but there's a very good reason for that: I fucking felt like it.

Chuck Berry's Johnny Be Goode's character appears in over 20 of his songs, but only the two included here are really memorable. Also, Alice Cooper's Steven character is the central character in a a bunch of concept albums and one-off songs but I have only included one song off of each record.

Now, enjoy, comment and share!

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