Friday's Playlist: Welcome to the Apocalypse

Lockdown has ended in our neck of the woods, although life is far from back to normal. Doubtful any significant concerts will take place any time soon, and it does feel like the aftermath of a devastating catastrophe. And of course, it was. So in that spirit, here's a little doomsday playlist for you.

Obviously, there's a lot of Metal in there because Metal is a genre that often deals with such subject matters (usually in a rather puerile way) and that lends itself particularly well to notions of devastation, catastrophes, disease, mass death and political ineptness. Notions we've come to be familiar with.

Not to say there aren't any other genres. How could we not include R.E.M.'s famous It's the End of the World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)? Or the Rolling Stones' recent Doom and Gloom? Enjoy this playlist and don't let it bring you down. Or do. Up to you, really.

As usual, enjoy, comment and share.