Wilco @ le Trianon, Paris - September 22nd, 2019

Wilco's concert at the Trianon was an intimate experience despite the fact that it took place before 1500 people, many of them American expats. Jeff Tweedy was his usual endearing self, still displaying the demeanour of a shy teenager despite his gray hair. 

They played a lot of songs from their upcoming album, which means that most of the audience was unfamiliar with them but this didn't break the flow of the show, in fact it felt pretty special hearing those songs for the first time in that setting.

Nels Cline is an amazing guitarist, regaling the audience with angular shards of noise or delicate pearls of melody, never overstepping, always playing in support of the song.

Wilco are now a quarter of century old, and they have quite a catalog. And in this catalog, they have a number of absolutely perfect songs which they all played: Hummingbird, Jesus Etc., Misunderstood, I Am Trying To Break Your Heart, Box Full of Letters and set closer The Late Greats.

Wilco's songs are often melancholic, nostalgic, sad or even heartbreaking. Yet despite that their shows are always heartwarming, uplifting events. Like a gift that only lasts two hours, it's precious because it's finite. Back to real life now.