Wu-Tang Clan @ Accorhotels Arena, Paris - May 17th, 2019

On the day of their headlining slot on the French date of the Gods of Rap package tour, Wu-Tang Clan released a new EP entitled Of Mics and Men, the soundtrack to their new documentary series. But obviously the crowd was mostly here to hear old classics from Enter the Wu-Tang Clan (36 Chambers), which turned twenty five last year. All photogs were asked to leave after three songs, so I am unable to write a proper review of their set (as opposed to De La Soul and Public Enemy which I still managed to hear from the backstage area where I was). But from what I saw, the band was firing on all cylinders.

The crowd went nuts the second RZA hit the stage. He was soon followed by GZA, Raekwon, Ghostface Killah... but Method Man was conspicuously absent from the festivities. In retrospect it was a bit puzzling to see Ol' Dirty Bastard's son (cleverly nicknamed Young Dirty Bastard) take his dead father's place but in the moment it was pretty seamless.

The Wu-Tang brand and its members have become so ubiquitous that it's easy to forget that they are first and foremost a music act, despite the cross-media ventures, the merchandise, and the highly conceptual content of their albums. But last night, they reminded us that when they hit the stage, they still bring da motherfucking ruckus and that, if there was any doubt, Wu-Tang ain't nuthing ta fuck wit.