Metallica @ Accorhotels Arena, Paris - September 8th, 2017

There's a reason Metallica is the biggest metal band on the planet and that has nothing to do with the ballads, the ill-fated collaborations or how cool their t-shirts look. They are the biggest metal on the planet because they fucking crush.

They've been at it for thirty-five years, so they've really had the time to hone in the craft of bashing your skull in. They may not be the most brutal band on the planet, they may not be the heaviest, but put them on a stage and they will destroy everything within a ten-mile radius.

It's reassuring to know that some things in life are certain. Death is an inevitability. Fire burns. Liquorice is gross. And a Metallica concert will kick your ass, whether you like it or not.

It doesn't even matter that they've had some ups and downs. Some of their records are downright bad. Thankfully, the new one is rather good. But regardless of the quality of some of the material, there will always be a spot in their sets for some of their uncompromising classics. And I can not stress this enough: They. Will. Pummel. You.

Case in point: last night, they played Creeping Death. There is no escaping that song. And the thousands of maniacs in the arena will make sure that you don't. Master of Puppets. One. Enter Sandman. Sad but True. Seek and Destroy. Blackened. For Whom the Bell Tolls. A barrage of punishing riffs and galvanising anthems. Don't try to resist. They will get you. That's what they're here to do. They told you so from the get-go. There's a reason their first album is called Kill 'em All. That is what they do.